ds-5开发工具5.14版本更新 (build 1702 2013/03/26)
arm compiler-
updated to arm compiler 5.03 for latest enhancements and bug fixes:
- improved performance on well-formed loops and switch-based fsms
- new loop optimizations, enabled with --loop_optimization_level=2
- for further information on features and improvements see: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.arn0005j/index.html
- new live view added to show performance data as it is being captured
- timeline view displays individual kernel threads under the kernel process
- timeline view allows easy restoration of auto-generated charts via the snippets menu
- includes gator version 13
- gator adds support for monitoring the performance of corelink cci-400 (cache coherent interconnect)
- gator adds support for environmental data such as temperature, voltage, power and energy within the linux kernel via the hwmon interface
- gator adds support for capturing counters from clusters independently in a big.little system
- added os awareness for keil cmsis-rtos rtx on cortex-m and cortex-a9 devices
- added os awareness for freescale mqx rtos on arm processor-based freescale devices
- trace displays can be time-correlated within the debugger and with external tools
- support is provided for displaying the coresight global timestamp unit
- instruction and data trace from etmv4 devices (such as cortex-r7) is now supported
- altera usb-blaster is supported as a connection mechanism to altera arria v soc and cyclone v soc boards
- context menu in the debug control and trace views allows editing dtsl (debug and trace services layer) options during a debug session
- new command set/show dtsl-options can be used to access dtsl options during a debug session
- new command set/show trust-ro-sections-for-opcodes controls whether trace and disassembly can rely on data from read-only sections within any images that are loaded
- device support extended to include: altera arria v soc, altera cyclone v soc and atmel atsama5d3x
- new 4.11.0 version of firmware included
- cortex-a50 series support now also includes support for cortex-a53
- stepping speed on cortex-a cores is improved
- swd connections are supported over 38-pin mictor connector and arm and ti 14-pin jtag connectors
- new jython script jython_pmu to demonstrate use of the performance monitor unit (pmu) to count elapsed cycles and user-defined events
- source code and examples for a cortex-a9 port of keil cmsis-rtos rtx are included in cmsis_rtos_rtx.zip
simulation models
- cortex-a8 simulation model for emulation baseboard is deprecated
- support for ubuntu desktop edition 10.04 lts is deprecated
- gcc toolchain for linux applications is removed (see the compilers section in the release notes for information about installing gcc separately
- linux application examples cpp, cpp_library, cppex, cppex_library and example_library are removed
- beagleboard/xm linux distributions in the linux examples are removed