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keil mdk v5.15 uvision5工具 -金沙js1005线路

软件大小:353 mb 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2015/6/4 9:32:22 应用平台:win9x/win2000/winxp
下载次数:43709 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:arm开发工具 > mdk-arm 开发工具

mdk-arm version 5.15

release date: 29th may, 2015

  • [arm compiler]
    • this mdk release contains arm compiler 5.05u2 (build 169). all compiler related files located in..\arm\armcc\ directory. details can be found in the compiler specific release notes.
  • [uvision]
    • this mdk release contains μvision v5.15.0.
    • improved: support for multiple arm compiler versions that allows now to setup default arm compiler versions for each processor core.
    • added: support for stack usage watermark in the system and thread viewer that is available with cmsis-rtos rtx v4.78 or higher. this also shows the maximum stack load during execution of a thread.
    • improved: icons in the project window for rte configuration files indicate compatibility of current files with software components from new software packs. the new command update config file and lauch merge available from context menu in the project window simplifies the migration of existing configuration settings.
    • improved: mdk now uses semantic versioning for software packs, software components, and configuration files.
    • added: set-up pc-lint has a new option to include all project-target related folders for searching header files.
    • added: source version control system (svcs) templates files for git and tortoise svn.
  • [software packs included]
    • keil - mdk-arm professional middleware 6.4.0
      the keil::mdk-middleware 6.4.0 software pack supports now arm cortex-m7 devices and solves a problem with file system (fpwd function) and networking (http server). keil::mdk-middleware 6.4.0 requires arm::cmsis 4.3.0 and keil::arm_compiler 1.0.0 software pack.
    • arm - cmsis 4.3.0
      the arm::cmsis 4.3.0 software pack adds a cmsis-driver for serial audio interface (sai) and improves cmsis-rtos rtx with stack watermark and irq timing statistics. included are also several other enhancements such as cache control functions for cortex-m7.
    • keil - arm compiler extensions 1.0.0
      the keil::arm_compiler 1.0.0 software pack contains the new software component compiler that expands microlib with assert and enables i/o re-targeting via file system, uart, itm debug channel, or user-defined functions.
  • [target debugging]
    • updated: driver for segger j-link with bug fixes and support for jtag clock speed: 20, 25, 33, and 50 mhz.
    • updated: driver and firmware for stmicroelectronics st-link to support the latest stm32 devices.
    • updated: driver for nuvoton nulink with bug fixes and support for m0519nm1320 and mini58cortex-m0 based devices.
  • [pack installer]
    • improved: selection of devices and boards lists device specific and generic software packs and relevant project examples. when the pack installer is launched from uvision the device of the project target is selected.
    • added: output window that summarizes warning and error messages.
  • [supported operating systems]
    • refer to system requirements overview for hardware and operating system requirements.












