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keil mdk-金沙js1005线路

软件大小:452 mb 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2015/10/12 16:18:23 应用平台:win9x/win2000/winxp
下载次数:20249 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:arm开发工具 > mdk-arm 开发工具


dk-arm version 5.16a

release date: 27th august, 2015

  • [arm compiler]
    • the arm compiler 5.05u2 must be used for arm7, arm9 and cortex-r4 processor based targets due to a regression in arm compiler 5.06. this defect will be fixed in mdk version 5.17. this mdk release installs:
      • arm compiler 5.06 (default for cortex-m targets) which includes support for stm32l4 series. all compiler related files located in ..\arm\armcc\ directory. details can be found in the compiler specific release notes.
      • arm compiler 5.05u2 (default for arm7, arm9, cortex-r4). all compiler related files located in..\arm\armcc_505u2\ directory. details can be found in the compiler specific release notes.
  • [uvision]
    • this mdk release contains μvision v5.16.1.
    • corrected: export of mbed projects had potential build errors.
  • [supported operating systems]
    • refer to system requirements overview for hardware and operating system requirements.

mdk-arm version 5.16

release date: 12th august, 2015

  • [arm compiler]
    • this mdk release contains arm compiler 5.06 (build 20) which includes support for stm32l4xxbased devices. all compiler related files located in ..\arm\armcc\ directory. details can be found in the compiler specific release notes.
  • [uvision]
    • this mdk release contains μvision v5.16.0.
    • improved: project build now takes advantage of systems that have multiple processors or multiple-core processors. additional build processes are created to utilize the available processors and therefore drastically reduce the overall built time. μvision can process these builds simultaneously, and therefore overall build time is reduced.
    • added: with the menu edit – configuration - right margin a line boarder can be configured which is show as vertical line or coloured background.
    • added: compiler toolchain documentation is now also accessible in pdf format from the books window.
  • [software packs included]
    • keil - mdk-arm professional middleware 6.5.0
      the keil::mdk-middleware 6.5.0 software pack contains several enhancements and corrections. improved are the graphic library, file system, and usb host.
    • arm - cmsis 4.3.0
      the arm::cmsis 4.3.0 software pack adds a cmsis-driver for serial audio interface (sai) and improves cmsis-rtos rtx with stack watermark and irq timing statistics. included are also several other enhancements such as cache control functions for cortex-m7.
    • keil - arm compiler extensions 1.0.0
      the keil::arm_compiler 1.0.0 software pack contains the new software component compiler that expands microlib with assert and enables i/o re-targeting via file system, uart, itm debug channel, or user-defined functions.
  • [target debugging]
    • updated: segger j-link driver for arm devices to version 4.98e.
    • updated: the stmicroelectronics st-linkiii-keil_swo.dll to version 2.0.17.
  • [supported operating systems]
    • refer to system requirements overview for hardware and operating system requirements.












