the ulink®pro user's guide describes the keil ulinkpro debug and trace unit and contains operating instructions for the hardware.
- introduction gives an overview of the ulinkprousb-jtag adapter features, requirements, technical characteristics, and a reference to supported devices. coresight™ capabilities and the supported connectors are presented.
- hardware description explains the components, target interfaces, and interface schematic of the ulinkproadapter in detail. in addition, it describes the start and reset sequences triggered when a debugging session is started.
- setup ulinkpro explains the configuration possibilities of the ulinkproadapter within μvision to use it as a debugging, tracing, and flash programming unit. this chapter also describes the connecting interfaces, and how to install the driver.
- using ulinkpro describes how to download and debug the program on the target devices, and explains target chaining.
- configure cortex-m devices for tracing explains the settings needed for enabling tracing by means of certain devices.
- μvision windows discusses the trace capturing and displaying capabilities of the ulinkproadapter, as well as the μvision windows used to visualize and analyze the data.
- troubleshooting gives hints and solutions to issues that might arise.
- appendix lists additional information such as error messages.