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uda1380 立体声音频编解码器芯片芯片用户手册 -金沙js1005线路

软件大小:279 kb 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2013/10/23 11:08:51 应用平台:win9x/win2000/winxp
下载次数:4685 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:开发板资料 > 外围芯片手册

 uda1380 立体声音频编解码器芯片


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1 features
1.1 general
· 2.4 to 3.6 v power supply
· 5 v tolerant digital inputs (at 2.4 to 3.6 v power supply)
· 24-bit data path for analog-to-digital converter (adc)
and digital-to-analog converter (dac)
· selectable control via l3-bus microcontroller interface
or i2c-bus interface; choice of 2 device addresses in
l3-bus and i2c-bus mode
remark: this device does not have a static mode
· supports sample frequencies from 8 to 55 khz for the
adc part, and 8 to 100 khz for the dac part. the adc
cannot support dvd audio (96 khz audio), only
mini-disc (md), compact-disc (cd) and moving picture
experts group layer-3 audio (mp3). for playback
8 to 100 khz is specified. dvd playback is supported
· power management unit:
– separate power control for adc, automatic volume
control (avc), dac, phase locked loop (pll) and
headphone driver
– analog blocks like adc and programmable gain
amplifier (pga) have a block to power-down the bias
– when adc and/or dac are powered-down, also the
clocks to these blocks are stopped to save power
remark: by default, when the ic is powered-up, the
complete chip will be in the power-down mode.
· adc part and dac part can run at different frequencies,
either system clock or word select pll (wspll)
· adc and pga plus integrated high-pass filter to cancel
dc offset
· the decimation filter is equipped with a digital automatic
gain control (agc)
· mono microphone input with low noise amplifier (lna)
of 29 db fixed gain and variable gain control (vga)
from 0 to 30 db in steps of 2 db
· integrated digital filter plus dac
· separate single-ended line output and one stereo
headphone output, capable of driving a 16 w load. the
headphone driver has a built-in short-circuit protection
with status bits which can be read out from the
l3-bus or i2c-bus interface
· digital silence detection in the interpolator (playback)
with read-out status via l3-bus or i2c-bus interface
· easy application.

1.2 multiple format data input interface
· slave bck and ws signals
· i2s-bus format
· msb-justified format compatible
· lsb-justified format compatible.
1.3 multiple format data output interface
· select option for digital output interface: either the
decimator output (adc signal) or the output signal of the
digital mixer which is in the interpolator dsp
· selectable master or slave bck and ws signals for
digital adc output
remark: sysclk must be applied in wspll mode and
master mode
· i2s-bus format
· msb-justified format compatible
· lsb-justified format compatible.
1.4 adc front-end features
· adc plus decimator can run at either wspll,
regenerating the clock from wsi signal, or on sysclk
· stereo line input with pga: gain range from 0 to 24 db
in steps of 3 db
· lna with 29 db fixed gain for mono microphone input,
including vga with gain from 0 to 30 db in steps of 2 db
· digital left and right independent volume control and
mute from 24 to -63.5 db in steps of 0.5 db.












